the year it all started
the gallery

First Instagram picture
Ah, our very first Instagram post! It makes me laugh now, especially because I was a vegetarian at the time. This picture had quite the impact on my friends; one of them even assumed I loved oysters after recalling this photo from my feed!
(Just to clarify, I really don’t like oysters)

First product shoot
Our first ever product shoot took place in my room, nestled in the heart of Breda, the Netherlands. The shimmering fabric in the background is one of my all-time favourite blouses and the decor features my favourite house plant - I had to get creative! Yet, despite the makeshift setting, I’m still very happy with how the photo’s turned out.

First Instagram feed
It’s always nostalgic seeing our old logo! Also, it’s pretty funny that I posted a quite random landscape photo amongst all the jewelry content.


First products were made
Above, you can see the before-and-after of our all-time bestselling triple pearl earrings. If you look closely at the first picture, you'll notice I was considering whether to place beads under the first pearl. Do you think I made the right choice? (move the slider in the middle of the picture)

The connected earring was born
It was my first attempt and it was an instant hit from the beginning! To this day, I still adore this design.

first shoot
The first photoshoot took place in a charming little park in Breda. My best friend and I chose a sunny afternoon to showcase the jewelry. I remember feeling very uncomfortable in front of the camera, trying my best to act natural whenever someone walked by, haha!

first 'desk'
Being the chaotic person I am, my initial approach to making jewelry was completely unstructured and driven by creative flow. I often found inspiration late at night, so that’s when I would settle down at my jewelry table—which was really just my dining room table.

First order
I remember this vividly! My webshop had no photos yet, and even the products ordered were without images. One of my friends stumbled upon the site and simply just decided to place an order! I was completely bewildered when I saw that first e-mail.

First 'professional' shoot
My friend, a professional photographer, took our photos on the roof terrace of my house. At the time, it felt incredible professional to me. Naturally, all the models were my friends, and luckily they are all beautiful people. Then it was my turn! It was my first experience in front of a professional camera and I was very nervous once again.

First selling point
Our very first selling point was Danielle’s store, “Het Winkeltje”,located at Prinsengracht 228 in Amsterdam. She was the first to believe in me and my jewelry, and I will always be grateful for her support.

First goldsmith course
After creating jewelry for myself for some time, I knew it was time to elevate my craft. I decided to enroll in goldsmithing lessons for a year. Launching a complete gold collection had always been a dream of mine.

First workspace
My first workspace was simply a table in the middle of the room, haha. It was pretty inconvenient, but it worked! This is where UNWIND was born.

little room shop
I know I said our first selling point was “Het Winkeltje”, but actually it was a table in my own room, haha. This is where visiting friends would buy their first UNWIND jewelry pieces.

webshop live
It took me several months of hard work to finally get the webshop to launch, so you can imagine just how excited I was! We only got two sales during the launch, but I was still very proud.
first big order
In the video above, you can see me stringing pearls and truly enjoying life really. This was one of those moments where I truly felt like a real production house and realized that my dream could actually become a reality.

first market
These two days were the craziest of my life! I sold SO much jewelry—it was insane. After that weekend, I decided to dive into UNWIND full-time right away

christmas shoot with mom
A shoot with my greatest supporter from day one! Over Christmas, we rented a beautiful house in Amsterdam, and the owner was incredibly inspiring. He really encouraged me to pursue my dreams.

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take a closer lookInterested in our journey? See what happened with UNWIND in 2022